Mindfulness: One 10 Minute Routine to Change Your Life (Self-Improvement is Not Enough)

Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually!”
“… surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

- Psalm 105:4 & Matthew 28:20


What is Mindfulness Meditation?

A common practice in the self-improvement space is something called mindfulness meditation. This form of meditation does not have to take long and is meant to develop a mindset which goes with you for the rest of the day.

It comes with multiple benefits:

  •  Increased focus
  • Better decision making/self-awareness
  • Become more present in every moment
  • Minimize intrusive thoughts
  • Increased discipline
  • Increased clarity
  • Decrease stress 

That is a lot of benefits for such a simple procedure!

To do this you only need to set aside a short amount of time each day to sit down, close your eyes, and focus on/examine everything around you and within you – your breathing, the temperature, how your body feels, your emotions, etc.

Basically, you take a deep dive into reality.

Again, this is a wonderful way to increase your overall well-being in life. However, I believe it is missing one aspect of reality that, if focused on and prioritized, is beyond beneficial for your well-being and thriving in life.

Mindfulness in the self-improvement space neglects this one crucial piece to reality that must be acknowledged to bring about genuine well-being now and eternally.

Mindfulness meditation neglects the presence of God.

The Presence of God in Reality

God is in reality.

God formed reality and all of its inner workings. 

Humanity has a tendency to want to escape reality. I can understand why, reality can be uncomfortable and overwhelming at times, and with so many options to numb ourselves available, how could we refuse? 

The thing is, confronting reality and ridding ourselves of the misconceptions of it is the hard but necessary work we must do. God wants us to fully embrace reality as He is there.

I believe one of the reasons drunkenness and doing drugs is sinful, outside of the behaviors that come from it, is because it is an effort to escape the reality that God is in.

God is not a part of our fantasy, He is all present in the here and now (though He is not bound to time or any one place).

This is a huge reason why we become so nervous, anxious, self-absorbed, and depressed whenever we spend hours upon hours drowning ourselves in social media, video games, YouTube, movies, alcohol, drugs, adult media, daydreaming, oversleeping….

God is in reality and humanity’s purpose and need is to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever. If you resonate with any of the negative experiences above it may just be that you are not fulfilling your purpose.

So, to embrace reality adequately we need to focus on His presence in it always. It takes discipline and repetition. It can be hard but is worth it.

We need to take a deep dive into reality, just like mindfulness encourages us to do, but without neglecting God’s presence in it.

One Way to Practice the Presence of God

I am going to share a simple practice I have begun doing myself.

But, it is important to note this: This is not some magical practice that summons God to you or manifests Him into your life. 

If you are a believer, you are simply acknowledging the reality that was accomplished by faith in Jesus’ sacrifice. God’s presence only brings peace to the one who is at peace with Him.

If you are not a believer in Jesus Christ, you should pause and look into what the gospel is and how you are to be saved from the penalty of your sin. There are bigger things to consider above your own personal well-being in this life.

The existence and presence of the biblical God without Christ, understood correctly, should only lead the unconverted to tremble. (I’ll explain this in an article and link it HERE when it is completed.)

So believer, do you feel as if God is not with you?

Do you feel as if His forgiveness, strength, or support has left you?

Do you feel as if He simply does not care?

You must realize that your feelings do not dictate reality, your feelings only reveal what you believe about reality.

Is it easy for you to sin? We sometimes use a proverb, “the fool says in his heart, there is no God.” But how often do we act a fool by sinning each day as if God were not there with us?

You can change your feelings and decisions by focusing and repeating the truth of reality. (This does not mean we cast aside our reliance on God to change us, but He may use these means to change us).

Here is your reality:

God is everywhere. God is here. God is with you.

Follow these steps in order to embrace these truths:

    • Sit down (or lay down if not too sleepy or kneel if you like) and close your eyes. 
    • Breathe in deep through your nose and out through your mouth.
    • For a time, focus on your body. Do you feel your feet touching the ground? Do you feel the chair in your back? Are you tense? Are you stiff? Are you relaxed?
    • Shift your focus after a time to your environment. What sounds do you hear? Is it quiet? Is there any breeze on your skin? Are you warm or cold? Does your place feel in order or cluttered?
    • Shift your focus after a time to your mind and emotions. Are you focused? Do you keep having to pull your mind back to the task? (This is a good thing, don’t worry about it) How do you feel emotionally right know? Why do you feel that way? Are you hungry at the moment? Or do you feel hungry but this hunger is motivated by comfort instead of need? Do you really need whatever you are craving?
    • Now, shift your focus to the presence of God by repeating these phrases in your mind or out loud (it doesn’t matter because it’s not magic) – God is everywhere. How would you feel if that were true? (It is.) What is that like? – God is here. He is in the room with you. How does that feel? “God is with me.” You have the powerful Holy Spirit in you. How does that feel?
    • You can repeat these as long as you’d like.
    • Get up and make a commitment to remember these truths beyond this moment throughout your day today.
    • Feel free as you begin this practice to add other truths of God such as “God is here and God is good.” “God loves me.” “God is my Heavenly Father.” “Jesus is the King of kings.” “I have been forgiven by Christ for so much.” “He died for me.”

I believe if you do this on a daily basis, paired with prayer, fellowship, and the reading of scripture, you will begin to realize and feel that God truly is with you.

This will naturally lead to the well-being that comes from knowing you are forgiven of your sins, loved by God, and strengthened to fulfill a bigger purpose.

Want to be free from anxiety and depression?

Want to do something meaningful with your life?

Want to love the people in your life effectively?

Want to be done with that addiction you have held onto for so long?

That journey may start with your decision to do this today.

If you struggle with anxiety, I am releasing a 5 or 6 week training program in January that includes this practice, daily devotionals, a plan of prayer, a nutrition plan for fat loss, and a training program to get in the shape you want to be in. Feel free to check back here on the website or subscribe to my currently empty YouTube channel for updates on this! I plan to upload daily as I go through the program myself.

Remember your purpose.

Love God.

Be disciplined.

Pursue excellence.

About the Author: Joshua

Joshua is a current resident of Oklahoma, an Oklahoma Baptist University graduate, a husband, a father, and most importantly a follower of Christ who is interested in passing on what he has learned through consistent reading and hearing of the Scriptures and prayer.

Instagram: @disciplined_faith

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